General History of ...

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General History of Frontenac...

Here's a link to a general History of Kingston, and surrounding areas, created by the Cataraqui Archealogical Research Foundation.

The Kingston and Pembroke Railway ran the full length of Frontenac County in it's day. The track has long since been
pulled up, but the roadbed is still visible. The railway was very much a central part of the lives of residents in the
northern sections of the County.

Several good histories about the K & P (also known as the Kick and Push) have been written. More about
the Kingston and Pembroke Railway can be found at this page.

General History of Ontario...

There's no point in re-inventing the wheel!
Here's a link to one of the best overviews of Ontario's political progression
I've seen on the Web so far!

And here's a link to the Introduction to the official Provincial version of Ontario's History

General History of Canada...

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Copyright 1997 - 1999, Bruce Murduck
Latest Page Revision: 17 May 1999