The Eastern Ontario Mailing List

EONTGEN-L is a 'no-cost' email based forum for subscribers to discuss aspects of the
history, geography, and genealogy of people, places, and events
from within the the entire eastern area of the Province of Ontario, Canada.

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All messages posted to EONTGEN-L are Archived electronically as received.

Only valid Subscribers to EONTGEN-L have access to the Archive Files - see ./archive.htm for instructions on how to download the Files.

Subscribers are encouraged to search the Archive Files for information of relevance to their private research interests.

Re-distribution of any partial or complete EONTGEN-L File to a private individual for personal research purposes is granted. Please acknowledge the source of the material as either a message posted to EONTGEN-L or as an EONTGEN-L Archive File.

The Mass Distribution or broad reproduction of any partial or complete EONTGEN-L Archive File is prohibited. Any person found to be engaging in such activity will be barred from participating in the List.

All EONTGEN-L Archive Files are Copyrighted, and their content remains the property of Queens University, Kingston, Ontario.

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Return to the main EONTGEN-L Page

Please contact the Listowner, Bruce Murduck, at
if you experience any difficulties with this List service!

Copyright 1997 - 2001, Bruce Murduck

This page set has been designed to be intentionally free of extraneous graphic images and with a reasonable degree of 'white space', thus permitting you to focus on the content, and to enhance download time and reduce costly connect time charges. The EONTGEN-L Pages are hosted on server space provided by Mr. Murduck, and maintenance is currently provided by
Jason Murduck.

(Created: Sept 4, 1997)
(Latest Revision: 29 Aug 2001)